Progress so far...

June 30th 2009 - 22 stone 4Ibs. Current weight - 17 stone 1Ib. Weight loss - 5 stone 3Ibs. Commuting miles - 3389.
Non commuting miles - 359. Mileage this week - 101 miles. Total mileage - 3748 miles.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Big Battlefield Bike Ride 2010

All things being equal I'll be doing this next year.

Please take a moment to read the write up and watch the films.

I can't think of anything more worthy.


  1. Thats some challange. A lot of 70mile days there!

    Best of luck!

  2. There's no guarantee I will be able to do it Jon, it's usually very heavily oversubscribed and quite rightly the guys who raise the most money are given priority. The fund raising I think will be harder than the pedalling.

  3. Wow man, that would be an amazing trip! Good luck on getting into it!

  4. Good luck if you get to do it.
