Progress so far...

June 30th 2009 - 22 stone 4Ibs. Current weight - 17 stone 1Ib. Weight loss - 5 stone 3Ibs. Commuting miles - 3389.
Non commuting miles - 359. Mileage this week - 101 miles. Total mileage - 3748 miles.

Thursday, 20 May 2010

I did it again!

What the hell is the matter with me? I never ever oversleep, that's 2 mornings running now. Not happy.

I came in over the Waseley's and via Bartley Green and Halesowen just to keep things varied. It is very warm this morning, it'll take me a while to stop leaking.

Stats here:
Started: 20 May 2010 05:41:23
Ride Time: 42:08
Stopped Time: 0:00
Distance: 12.13 miles
Average: 16.27 miles/hr
Fastest Speed: 42.41 miles/hr
Climb: 256 feet
Calories: 1177

Last night I went home over Frankley Beeches, a nice pedal which always gets my heart rate up. I don't know if the nicer weather is putting everyone in a good mood but I haven't had a single incident in days. That's probably tempting fate a bit.

Stats here:
Started: 19 May 2010 15:04:12
Ride Time: 47:02
Stopped Time: 0:00
Distance: 11.82 miles
Average: 14.04 miles/hr
Fastest Speed: 32.84 miles/hr
Climb: 817 feet
Calories: 990

Last night was good fun though, my daughter Fay took her first step in continuing an honourable Chapman tradition of military service. I took her down to the Air Cadets which she'll join in September at the next recruit intake. She's following her Great Granddad (Army), her Granddad (RAF) and her Dad (Army). She wants to go in the RAF as a physio and eventually serve at Headley Court doing rehab work with injured serviceman. To say I'm proud would be something of an understatement.

The only downer was I wished I was 13 again as it looked like she'll be off all over the place having a brilliant time with her mates. Ex serviceman will know what I mean by this, I know it was just a Cadet location, but there is a distinct atmosphere and even a unique smell to military locations, this place had it in spades and I got all nostalgic.


  1. I was trying to get my body used to not going to sleep until 2/3oclock in the morning. So that when I do the 24hr race staying up all night wont come as too much of a shock to it.
    The last 2 nights i've been asleep for 9oclock and awake by 5:30am. - Not what I wanted.

  2. I'm not certain you can train yourself where sleep is involved Jon, I think you'll have to just tough it out. My record for staying awake is 74 hours when I was in the Army, it's the weirdest feeling, I then slept for 18 hours straight through. And that was in my bivi in a forest somewhere!

  3. Funny old thing sleep. Been up late myself te past few days, yet I have not been doing much during the days, yet when I was cycling everyday, I was up with the lark.
    Well done to your daughter, good stuff having a good idea about what she wants to do, definatly an aim for her

  4. I think you need a new alarm clock Clive!

  5. Toby, I haven't used an alarm clock in years, I've always woke at the right time. Dunno why I'm struggling now...

    Matty, I'm always up at the crack of sparrow fart, I'm a morning person. It's a mystery...

  6. Oi sleepyhead zzzzzzzz

    Good luck to Fay

  7. I know, zzzzzzzzz, LOL!

    Ta for the good luck mate!

  8. quote"Toby, I haven't used an alarm clock in years, I've always woke at the right time. Dunno why I'm struggling now...
    Matty, I'm always up at the crack of sparrow fart, I'm a morning person. It's a mystery... "quote

    You're getting old mate. Face it you're no longer a spring chicken, more a croaky old rooster lol.

  9. @ KFS...Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
