Progress so far...

June 30th 2009 - 22 stone 4Ibs. Current weight - 17 stone 1Ib. Weight loss - 5 stone 3Ibs. Commuting miles - 3389.
Non commuting miles - 359. Mileage this week - 101 miles. Total mileage - 3748 miles.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Spring has sprung...Boing!

Cracking ride in this morning, a tad of a nip in the air, but a beautiful clear sky and a fabulous sunrise to watch as I hammered in.

Stats here:

Started: 8 Apr 2010 05:39:44
Ride Time: 40:50
Stopped Time: 3:04
Distance: 11.37 miles
Average: 16.70 miles/hr
Fastest Speed: 49.31 miles/hr
Climb: 689 feet
Calories: 1180

'Twas great fun, because in effect I did 2 pursuit races this morning. On the hill into selly Oak I saw a cyclist in the distance and I decided to reel him in, which due to lights I did just past the Uni, that was bloody hard work I can tell you. Then by the Bristol Road MacDonalds traffic lights I saw another cyclist in the distance and decided to do the same again, and I suceeded by the Pagoda Island in town. I guess things like that will up my speed a bit.

Last night's pedal home was pretty standard, again in Tshirt and Mitts. I'm toying with the idea of shorts soon.

A good evening at home as well, sun was out so me, wifey, kids and dogs were outside for an hour in the sun. Dogs racing around, kids trying to kill each other on their trampoline and me and wifey chilling with a glass of red. Perfick...


  1. 49mph! Wow!
    Your average speeds are cracking mate - especially with that climb.

  2. Downhill has never been a problem. I guess it's all my vast bulk giving gravity a helping hand!

    I did race a bit this morning though...

  3. Forgot to say that my legs are killing me now!

  4. Looks like this weekend will be a scorcher. (fingers crossed).

    My max speed for the NCR5 ride was a wowfull 27mph. It's been ages since i've been over 40 on a bike.

  5. Hope that 49mph was not in a 40mph zone :)

  6. Nice one Clive
    i thought i went fast at 31mph tonight but yours flippin heck
    no gatso cams on the way i hope lol.
    evening all.

  7. Clive ure top speed is awesome matey

  8. That top speed is most impressive. Is that your record?

    The better weather the last couple of days has been great. I've started wearing shorts.
